
quarta-feira, 16 de maio de 2012

What makes my Day

What makes my Day

Today was one of those unlikely days – well, most of my days are like that! – where everything just flows its own way and I move serenely with it.
This morning I received the most unlikely phone call from the most unlikely person, offering me an unlikely work assignment, exactly when I am sort of complaining inside that though I am planting my seeds very lovingly some of them seem to take longer to harvest than my human self would like. And as you all probably know… the harvest comes from where you least expect it. This was the case today. This person who called me had actually stopped talking to me at a given time, for no reason whatsoever. Given the fact that I choose to keep my doors open always and never judge or reject anyone, sooner or later I always see the best result of this choice of mine to be simply who I am with everyone, no matter what, beyond senseless reactivity.
Other than that, it was an easy day, simple flow. And that in itself is magic for me.
That’s why I got a wonderful reward at the end of the day: a super comforting and relaxing reflexology session which my feet adored, and my entire body thanked!
Of course I don’t need to mention the loving hugs and kisses I got from my kids… but it’s always so special that it’s worth mentioning…
And the smiles of my English students when they manage to learn something which seemed hard, and the pleasure of bringing these people my joy and allowing them to let their joy show and overflow as well. This warms my heart every day!
And last but not least, writing these texts for my blog, keeping in touch with you who read them and telling you that I love you too! That all makes my day!
Blessings to all.

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