
quarta-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2012

Between the OLD and the NEW - Part 1

Between the OLD and the NEW – Part 1

Much has been said about the upcoming 21st of December 2012, so I choose to share with you how I see and feel it.

Yes, the World is going to end in 2012. For some. Fortunately. It is going to end in a very real way. 

Because their lives shall never be the same. Because something fundamental will have changed within them. Because they will be aware of their full potential. Because they will have clearly chosen to be who they truly are. Because they will be living a whole new life. Because they will have created a whole new reality. Because they will no longer be afraid to show that it is possible to detach from mass consciousness and still live in the world, amongst everyone else.

For others it shall be the moment of awakening to the fact that they are tired of their old way of living. 

Because they will have suffered enough. Because they will have decided to change. Because they will be seeing some very true examples of new ways of life that they feel they would like to try out. Because they will have enough courage to release their fear of the unknown and take a step towards it.

Yet, for others nothing shall end. Everything shall remain exactly the same. The same routines. The same faces. The same places. The same old never ending circle of senseless conversations and aspirations. The same dramas. The same habits. The same. All the same. And they will be disappointed, maybe, questioning themselves where the drama of the end of the world has gone. Feeling frustrated that it’s all the same old rat race and nothing has changed!

I feel it like never before. A strong, very very strong surging wave of Essence flooding the Earth with a whole new range of potentials, which bring forth the most magical possibilities. Possibilities none of us has ever even fathomed, even in our wildest dreams! I feel it in my heart. I feel in my whole body. It is a tingling sensation of aliveness, of excitement, of sheer JOY because the time has finally come. The time I have been waiting for for sooooo long. I feel it in my breath, so firm and present. I feel it in my thoughts, so quiet… waiting. I feel it in my gut, a fire burning with creative passion. I feel it around me, as if it is a shimmering cloud that accompanies me wherever I go. I feel it in the air. I feel it in the ground. I feel it in the water and in the sun. I feel it. I feel it so intensely at times it seems like I’m going to burst with the force of this that I feel and that’s why I know the end of the world as we know it is finally upon us. But it is not the end of the physical world. No. It is the end of tons and tons of old ways and habits, of old vices and beliefs that have choked our systems to the point that we have come to believe that that was the only way. 

And this that I feel is nothing but my Essence, your Essence, the Essence of all that IS being absorbed into the Earth, into each one who chooses to integrate Human and Divine as ONE. The living, walking, talking proof that it is finally possible to BE all that we are right HERE, right NOW!

And people feel it all over the world. Some feel it in very imbalanced ways, which are probably most appropriate for them, which is perfect as it is. No better, no worse than it should be. People feel it and can’t figure it out.

So what do you choose to do with this grand new opportunity to embrace your True Self and live a truly NEW LIFE… or not?

2 comentários:

  1. AH!!!AMIGA!!!
    [Sem data e Hora Marcadas]
    Quão forte É essa “onda mágica”, feita de partículas de LUZ_ESSÊNCIA_VIDA!!!
    Quão maravilhoso o processo de Integração do “eu-físico”, no “Eu-Divino”!!!, projectando-me para “Voos” “nunca antes experienciados” _ por mim!!!
    Quão Esplendoroso _ o fulgor, em mim, dos momentos vividos, sentindo os detalhes_de Vida, em pleno!!!
    Bem Hajas
