
quarta-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2014

Letting go

Letting go

In 2011 I went through a separation, which came as a result of my choice to release all drama from my life. This simple choice brought about so many changes that I will not bore you to pieces right now ;) Anyway, today I was going through some notes I needed for a book and I found this precious message from my Essence.

I have noticed that many people are now undergoing great changes in their relationships, including breakups or rearrangements so I have chosen to share this wisdom from my Essence at that very same time of breakup and change. It may resonate with some of you ;) Make the most of it.

My question was- My dear Aeelah, please enlighten me about all of this:

“Letting go can be painful to the human parts of you, because very simply there is no way these parts can truly understand the Truth. There are so many layers of beliefs, so many rigid structures, so many illusionary needs, that these parts are struggling to make sense of something that can never have any sense at all for the mind. You are breaking the mould, and though it may be/seem hard to break, it is already broken and does not suit you anymore.

 Rest in the peace and serenity of my knowingness, trust that all is in perfect alignment with your deepest choices and sit back, watch the structure falling so that the true jewel can be revealed. You are not in the midst of chaos any longer.

Behold, you do not stop loving, you do not stop living, you stay, you breathe.

Let go of everything.

Love is not what you thought it was, it is what you feel it is.

It shall all turn out to be simpler than you can now both see.

Focus. We are expressing our Passion. Others will have to find their own ways of doing so.”

And so it is that I know with no shadow of any doubt that my Essence is always right and never leads me astray, for when we completely surrender all to our Essence there is nothing to doubt or fear, nothing to struggle about or fight against. It’s just pure bliss, serenity, simplicity and utter JOY! <3

Recently, related to this subject I had yet more proof of this. My son is living with my ex-husband but was spending the holidays with me. During this time his father decided to become overzealous and started behaving in a very aggressive way. I did not respond to this. I simply chose to BE. As a consequence, a few days later, after my son was with him again, he called and thanked me because the child was very well and very happy and he apologized, saying he had to admit he was being overzealous and there was no reason to be like that, that he recognized he still had some triggers and hurts to work on and that he really wanted to keep communicating in a simple way with me for we all had everything to gain with this. And this has happened repeatedly since our separation. I have never given in to conflict. I have always stood my ground, keeping my firm choice to simply BE. And I can guarantee it works all the time, with everyone, in all situations J 

So patience, compassion, serenity, ease and simplicity, harmony and balance are my recipe ;)

Hugs and Love Youssss

2 comentários:

  1. AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!........Amiguinha – “Letting Go” É “Não Apenas Mais” uma partilha íntima de Mãe-Mulher-Amante, mas a Extraordinária Vivência fulgente de SE-SER, tão expressamente impressiva nos Aqui e Agora dos “entretantos” da própria Vida.

    Com Amor e Gratidão


  2. que linda esta tua expressão querida estrela :)
