
segunda-feira, 16 de novembro de 2015

Let go

Here is an extract from my Soul Songs book - Day 9 - Let go

Day 9

“Let go. Release”...

Let go of my grip on beliefs which no longer serve me.

Let go of fears I no longer need.

Let go of hurts I no longer accept to keep.

Let go of rules I no longer believe in.

Let go of people I hold onto for safety.

Let go of things which I have no more use for.

Let go of ideas which are no longer productive.

Let go of doubt which holds me back.

Let go of places I no longer feel drawn to.

Let go of activities I no longer revel in.

Let go of judgments about myself which stifle my potentials.

Let go of judgments about others which keep me from seeing their true sparkle.

Let go of judgments about what I thought, said and did in the past.

Let go of blame, shame and guilt.

Let go of the compulsory need to suffer and do it the hard way.

Let go of drama.

Let go of my perceived limits and limitations.

Let go of expectations about the future.

Let go of all of my learnt practices and tools for self development and awareness just let them come back to me in their own way, from deep within, truly trusting my creative power.

Let go, let go, let go... until I feel like a blank slate where I can write my new story on.
I choose, therefore I create, therefore I exist: I AM.

Yes, I know it is challenging. Very challenging. The human me feels lost when I start letting go. She feels afraid “what am I going to do without all of that which I thought to be me?” And then my essence comes in with its soothing love and holds me in Her arms and just says “it's ok, we'll do it together, just stay with me. Don't be afraid. It's ok”.

And so I can allow myself to feel sad, and to feel lost and to feel empty, not knowing what comes next. I can allow myself to feel frustrated and even shocked at all of the lies I have been living and believing in, which are not who and what I truly am and can be from now on. I can allow myself to cry and to feel like I am going through a deep mourning process for in fact it is part of me that is dying, dead. And it's ok.

The new can only come forth when we have emptied the space for it to finally fit in. Before that, our cup was so full with the old that nothing else could be poured in it. It would only spill out and be lost.

Can you allow yourself to be the empty vessel for your soul to seep in and fill you with so much love, so much wisdom, so much power, so much peace and joy and balance... all you have ever wished for?

You are the Holy Grail! We all are. Each and every one of us! Living, walking, talking, breathing Holy Grails!

Letting go, the pure essence of Forgiveness, is the most liberating gift we can allow ourselves. It removes all of our burdens so we can feel light and free to fly further than ever before!

Soul Song 9
If you knew you are an Angel
A sprinkle of Stardust
A Magic wand
How would you choose to live each moment you give?

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