
quinta-feira, 23 de junho de 2016

BOOK / COURSE The Flow of Abudance - Part 13

Busyness or “Gnost”?

(Curiously similar to business!!)

Well, busyness is actually being busy..
Have you ever stopped to understand why you insist on keeping busy? Better even, notice what is going on in your life when you’re busy.
Being busy is like a new form of competitiveness amongst us, so that we can be more important. After all, who said that you had to constantly waste your energy?
As time accelerates, energy – New Energy – accelerates, and we also think we have to accelerate. The fact is that all of that energy, or most of it, is totally inefficient, wasted, it serves absolutely no purpose besides total exhaustion.
Have you noticed that because you are so busy you don’t give yourself the opportunity to contemplate the beauty of everything around you – you probably don’t even feel you deserve it.
Besides, when you are too busy, energy has no way to find you and simply bring you what you want, and you aren’t able to create either – you don’t have the time or space for it in your life.

·         Do you use it to be part of the flock?
·         In other words, if you’re not busy do you think you’re not doing what you suppose you should and does that make you feel guilty?
·         It’s automatic – you have never given it any thought.
·         To show you’re better because you’re busier?
·         To have some sort of Power?
·         So that you are given more attention – the victim who is always busy and no one helps?
·         To receive appreciation, admiration, affection, gratitude?
·         Not to look at other parts of your life that you don’t want to recognize?
·         You always have to have more than enough activity in your life in order to justify your existence?
·         If you remove the state of busyness, are you afraid that you’ll be left without entertainment?
Well why don’t you just use “Gnost”? “Gnost” is the name for the creative solution, or “soulution” as I call it, because it comes from Spirit, your Spirit. It is not dual, nor mental and it cannot be contained or controlled. It is very simple, fluid, easy and if you call in “Gnost” to take part in your life every day, everything can become much much simpler. “Gnost” is the solution, the simplifier of all problems, but by inviting “Gnost” to be in your life you need to breathe and trust, surrender and not limit, not create expectations or fixed results. There is no way to go “wrong” where “Gnost” is concerned. It is not positive or negative, it is the solution, it is yours and it is available if you invite it. It is very often called the 4th leg of the stool of human reality – body, mind and soul. It’s like the clay that connects everything together and which makes you a Body of Consciousness, not just body, mind and spirit. It is the fusion, the unity, and what really allows you to enjoy what you thought was Free Will, but was in fact just your Aspects and their personal agendas deciding your life. The totality of you doesn’t even have to prove anything, so it doesn’t even need to have Free Will, it just Is, beyond any doubt or illusion.
.So what is it that you say to Life: No … or YES?
In order to use “Gnost” (or the creative solution) in practice, all you need to do is breathe deeply, silencing the mind, as is explained on page 24, and invite that part of you to participate in your day with you. You’ll realise that everything becomes simple, not requiring any kind of effort on your part. It is a continuous and harmonious flow. It is not possible to analyse it in order to see how it works. It simply is what it is and it integrates in your day as you allow yourself to let go of the need to analyse, to seek or to exert an effort. It is as simple as for example “I give my day to my creative solution”. Or when a challenge arises and you cannot fathom a solution, breathe and invite “Gnost” to show you the solution. Then let go of the “problem” and go about your day. When you least expect it the solution will appear. No, it is no magic, but it sure seems so! What happens is that the solution to all of the “problems” that appear in your reality is within your own expanded consciousness, because the so called “problem” always holds its reverse within itself – in other words, the solution. Nevertheless this solution mostly resides in a point of your expanded consciousness that the analytic mind cannot access. It resides in what is called the Higher Mind. This Higher Mind is yours, but it does not function in the same way as the Lower Mind, which we use in our daily analysis processes. It is not possible to access the Higher Mind by thinking, but rather by quietening the Mind. Furthermore, the Higher Mind does not speak in the way we want it to or when we want it to, but rather when we allow ourselves to feel its language.
You know what? Much better than trying to explain what “Gnost” is and how it works, as well as the Higher Mind, the best thing is for you to try for yourself. Try and use it as has been suggested in this chapter and see how it works out for you.
And please don’t feel frustrated if you don’t get it the first time over. The analytic mind makes a lot of noise and has held this role of problem solver for a long time. Don’t expect it to all of a sudden switch off. Give yourself time as well. You can’t switch off the analytical mechanisms instantly and start creating and resolving issues in a whole new way. It takes a little practice, though the amount of practice it takes will depend entirely on your own receptivity and the extent to which you allow all of this to happen per se. One thing I can guarantee: when you start flowing with “Gnost” you won’t want anything else!


Introspection Exercises

Have you ever stopped to understand why you insist on keeping busy? Better even, notice what is going on in your life when you’re busy.

After all, who said that you had to constantly waste your energy? Do you hear any voice or voices in particular? Please just become aware of this.

·         Do you use it to be part of the flock?

·         In other words, if you’re not busy do you think you’re not doing what you suppose you should and does that make you feel guilty?

·         It’s automatic – you never gave it any thought.

·         To show you’re better because you’re busier?

·         To have some sort of Power?

·         So that you are given more attention – the victim who is always busy and no one helps?

·         To receive appreciation, admiration, affection, gratitude?

·         Not to look at other parts of your life that you don’t want to recognize?

·         You always have to have more than enough activity in your life in order to justify your existence?

·         If you remove the state of busyness, are you afraid that you’ll be left without entertainment?

·         So what is it that you say to Life: No … or YES?

Coming up next:

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