
quarta-feira, 12 de outubro de 2016

The Blessed Choice of Love

You know that state when you feel Blessed, overwhelmed with Gratitude, Joyful, overflowing with a powerful symphony of Life force cascading all over you, your skin tingling with the intensity of it all, your Heart so big it all but bursts from your chest, laughter bubbling from your pores mingled with tears of fulfilment?

This is how I feel very often and this is how I felt last Saturday when I decided to get in my car late in the afternoon to celebrate love with the wonderful and very special man I playfully, but truthfully, call my Sweet Prince. What happened on the way was nothing short of a reunion of Heaven and Earth performing the most sensual dance of Light and Dark. A Gift so abundant I cannot even begin to describe how overtaken by bliss I was. It truly felt like the sky was cheering all the way and I could not stop myself from trying to capture it all on the minute screen of my mobile... so small to capture such grandness. 

The images I saved are in no way half as glamorous as the spectacle I was offered for an hour, while merrily driving down an almost empty road to pure and simple love. They do not show the intricate depth of the hues colouring the sky or the changing landscapes riveted by the golden pink clouds. Anyhow I cannot but share the vague image of why I felt swept off my feet and embraced in this all encompassing ode to the Abundance of Life.

Thank you is all I have left to say <3

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